Sunday, March 25, 2012

Diego, God of transfiguration

Diego, God of trans-portation -> trans-formation

It was heavy rain for few days cutting visual connection between animals and sky, what allows to embrace bouncing energy between animal - animal relation, sharing the same fire, harmonies, stories or food that still has to be made by voluntary hands. Sitting around the fire in Big Lodge there is always some spirit who decides to cook for everybody else, skills and will power are paid by appreciation. Trees love rain, fire wood not as much, therefore everybody who chips in with a log which enters Mother Teepee drops down "atman" loudly.

First time I saw Diego coming into the Big Lodge during this rainy happiness. He had a perfect protection. Rain coat with a hood and pants that kept rest of the clothing nice and dry, while I was drying my socks shivering.

Another day when he gave us a ride in the the valley of death for energetic supplies. Every thursday there is a market place where fruits and vegetables dance around shining, smiling and pleasing. Half of the Tribe meets in Marocan coffee shop greeting, comprising, banalizing Babylon. Instead of passing by Teepee Town's healing eucalyptus forest one walks by Babylon's shop windows aggressively screaming BUY BUY BUY - ME ME ME. Impossible to leave your "self".

Diego, God of transfiguration

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

गोद ऑफ़ ३र्द Decision

Rafal, God of 3rd Decisions

Are You coming to the talking stick?

I talk like a broken stick, jumping from branch to branch on the tree of life.

Innovation through frustration brings such a yellow human combination.

Combining my left and right side while pedaling miles up the slip mountains balances center of the head office between two temples and behind the 3rd eye.

Aha! What about building yurt up there in the sky?

First must build structure of my circle being perfectly round on a ground.

Why don't you fly Skywalker high, world is open in front of your eye.

I rather imprint step by step close relationships that wind away smiling plastic flame.

No time to snail away all the galactic jungles of Mexico if you don't focus on a constant movement might ended up in mru mru land playing Di dge ri doo.

Luka doesn't join the G spot - Government of any kind! Unless he sails.

Does bureaucracy in the creative flux exits without social activism?

Time to stretch my friend, time to stretch.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

God of Clarity

Santiago, God of Clarity

With smiling appSantiago, God of Clarity

With smiling approach didgeridoo made a sound when Santiago showed me the path into another dimension through portals of Barcelona's smoothly biking soundings melting destination castles chambers .

What I have learned from Santinago. You ask.

While in the park we run into Trochilida, Tree Goddess who was waiting at alive cosmic tree to join the soup of harmonies. Carrots, onion, celery, spinach and no gandzia as a spice, pure breath. That's how Santiago cooks using mediation as highway of herbs.

He has taken me all around the city to make a cooking statement at the tree of life while we jammed all together with Azur, Red Cosmic Skywalker.

Amazing Didgeridoo player.

Santiago, God of Clarity, sign & destiny roach didgeridoo made a sound when Santiago showed me the path into another dimension through portals of Barcelona's smoothly biking soundings melting destination castles chambers .

What I have learned from Santinago. You ask.

While in the park we run into Trochilida, Tree Goddess who was waiting at alive cosmic tree to join the soup of harmonies. Carrots, onion, celery, spinach and no gandzia as a spice, pure breath. That's how Santiago cooks using mediation as highway of herbs.

He has taken me all around the city to make a cooking statement at the tree of life while we jammed all together with Azur, Red Cosmic Skywalker.

Amazing Didgeridoo player.

Santiago, God of Clarity, sign & destiny

Goddess and Gods of Europe

Bambo-le, God of war & peace.

Past are my parents, future are my children, present is my creation.

Mountains as a top of energetic chain are the first to receive powers of the whole universe and last to shoot all cumulated energy directly from the core of the planet to the orbits pointed at. Duality within deity happens very often in extra volcanic temperatures to boil fast and cool down slow.

Love & Light vs. Hate & Darkness.

How one sees its own appearance depends on:

- shape, quality and matter of a mirror.
- intensity of light.
- Environment - light bouncing.
- Perception connected with one's senses formed by past experiences.
- Present chemical reaction within brain's cels.

Bambo-le heals as much as needs healing. Other Gods are shitlessly scared of a war, while he embraces it. Grew up in the wall of Palestine where choices of violence go back centuries.
Parents draw examples for making the right/worng choices on the plain canvas - tabula rasa. Choose your brush and paint wisely when you have only one canvas.

Only knowledge and skills can make one free...egg.

One religion(believes), one language(logic) - one hell, one heaven. By multiplying religions and languages one increases believes & logic form narrow corridor to wide open street of proportional infinity.

100000000000000000000000000 of possibilities are not even taken into consideration most of the time even though they are always ready for execution. That's how you loose a game of chess.

Lost of consideration creates frustration.

Bambo-le, God of war & peace.
Silent Shan Kahan is sitting next to Bruce's amazing structure
shaped as tridimensional hexagon shooting it's energy into 6 directions while I'm giving tapping workshop with few Gods and Goddess sitting and tapping around their bodies and minds)

I love and accept myself (tapping all around the head)

I'm the universe of kindness, well being and corridor to outreach changes that are happening in microcosmos of mine.

I love and accept myself (tapping into 3rd eye)

I'm an animal therefore I fallow instinct.

I'm a jaguar in the jungle juice jumping gently, dreaming wildly.

I love and respect myself (tapping under the nose and lips)

I forgive my brothers and sisters for suffering since they are taken away from the nature to unnatural environment.

I love and respect myself (tapping into center chest bone)
I connect through meditation and yoga with cosmic wisdom brought by blue eagle, white wind and yellow storm.

I love & respect myself (taping into a ribs)

I'm tankful for every drop of crystal water called life.

I'm aware of 4 blessings given by brothers trees: food, oxygen, fire and shelter.

I do everything in my power to help my brothers since they need more help than others.

I love & respect myself ( tapping into the right wrist)

I heal myself everyday as river must be in the movement to sustain fresh.

I'm water.

I'm fire.

I'm earth.

I'm air.

I love & respect myself (tapping into the left wrist)

I'm a bird

I'm a lion

I'm a donkey

I'm a dog

I love & respect myself ( tapping into the sides of right hand fingers)

I'm fallow the signs on my path to holy energy.

I live in present moment, moving with the speed of time 1,2,3,4,5,6 (counting with the speed of seconds)

I agree with harmony, synchronistic, duality and holy trinity on the top of Mayan pyramids.

I believe creation is the only way of existence.

I love & respect myself (tapping into the sides of left hand fingers)

I believe in balance between ida and pingala

I shift enlighten energies within my chakras

I adore white wizards playing black magic during red sunrise.

I help the strings to cultivate light as bright side of life.

I announce good vibrations to those who shake their minds.

I love & respect myself ( tapping around head again)

(I have been going 3 times with the tapping cycle of the same spots creating slow prayers to the universe while Shan Khan was sawing cover for Bruce's chillum.
An English Man said one day in the big lodge - main teepee)

"They say chillum is Shiva's d i c k"

Shan Khan, God of Vi rations = skill + patience
It's time to do it again and again and again. Present Expression is the must of ability see improvement. Lets do it.