Sunday, March 18, 2012

Goddess and Gods of Europe

Bambo-le, God of war & peace.

Past are my parents, future are my children, present is my creation.

Mountains as a top of energetic chain are the first to receive powers of the whole universe and last to shoot all cumulated energy directly from the core of the planet to the orbits pointed at. Duality within deity happens very often in extra volcanic temperatures to boil fast and cool down slow.

Love & Light vs. Hate & Darkness.

How one sees its own appearance depends on:

- shape, quality and matter of a mirror.
- intensity of light.
- Environment - light bouncing.
- Perception connected with one's senses formed by past experiences.
- Present chemical reaction within brain's cels.

Bambo-le heals as much as needs healing. Other Gods are shitlessly scared of a war, while he embraces it. Grew up in the wall of Palestine where choices of violence go back centuries.
Parents draw examples for making the right/worng choices on the plain canvas - tabula rasa. Choose your brush and paint wisely when you have only one canvas.

Only knowledge and skills can make one free...egg.

One religion(believes), one language(logic) - one hell, one heaven. By multiplying religions and languages one increases believes & logic form narrow corridor to wide open street of proportional infinity.

100000000000000000000000000 of possibilities are not even taken into consideration most of the time even though they are always ready for execution. That's how you loose a game of chess.

Lost of consideration creates frustration.

Bambo-le, God of war & peace.

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